Ready To Work For Rural Utah On Day One

  • * Promote and uphold the principles of limited government, advocating for policies that reduce government interference in the lives of Utahns.

    * Ensure that government intervention in the economy is minimized, allowing individuals and businesses to thrive and make their own choices.

    * Advocate for responsible fiscal policies that prioritize efficient use of taxpayer dollars and reduce unnecessary government spending.

    * Advocate for less restrictive government regulations on both healthcare and education, enabling innovation and competition to improve outcomes.

  • * Advocate for the transfer of control over public lands to local governments, as they are often more attuned to the needs and sustainable management of these resources.

    * Promote responsible land management that takes into account the interests of those who depend on these resources for their livelihoods. As a multigenerational livestock producer, I am invested in supporting and advocating for farmers and ranchers whose livelihoods are being overtaken by government overreach.

    *Ensure that public lands are not controlled at the federal level for political gain and work to prevent overreach and unnecessary regulations that hinder economic development and local control.

  • * Stand behind our law enforcement agencies, providing them with the necessary resources and support to maintain law and order in our communities.

    * Promote the presence of school resource officers to enhance the safety of our schools and provide a positive, community-oriented approach to law enforcement.

    * Encourage community policing initiatives that build trust and cooperation between law enforcement and the public

  • * Uphold conservative values, including a commitment to limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional family values.

    * Support policies that protect the sanctity of life, uphold the Second Amendment, and defend religious freedoms.

    * Advocate for a culture of personal responsibility, where individuals are empowered to make their own choices and are held accountable for their actions.

  • As an advocate for education, I am invested in a strong and effective education system, as it is deeply ingrained in my family's roots. With my wife, dad, brother, father-in-law, grandma, and great-grandpa all contributing as teachers and several other family members serving as educators and school administrators throughout the district, my commitment to education extends beyond the classroom. This collective dedication embodies a multi-generational investment in fostering learning and the overall growth and success of our communities through a robust and thriving education system. I will prioritize empowering educators and provide support to them as they are educating our future leaders. I will ensure that parents have options for their children's education.